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- Written by Super User
- Category: NGC Handbook
- Hits: 2100
The National Governance Corps (NGC) has been launched by SIV-G on 9th December 2008. Ms. Kruthika Prakash of DAV Girls Senior Secondary School, Gopalapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India has become the first NGC. She took the Self Commitment Pledge on 10th December 2008 in a function organised in association with the School matching with the International Anti-Corruption Day observed by UN. The Pledge was administered by Shri N. Vittal, IAS(Retd), Former Central Vigilnace Commissioner. During the Function, the NGC Hand Book was released by Shri P. Shankar, IAS(Retd), Former Central Vigilance Commissioner, India. Smt. Lalitha Chandrasekar, Principal of the School also addressed and Shri Govindarajan Suresh, Founder, SIV-G introduced NGC to the Students.
For the conveniece of other students and other well wishers, who are interested in launching the NGCs in their respective Schools / Colleges, the soft copy of the NGC Hand Book is now available at the site. The Self Commitment Pledge is available in soft copy. You are free to download for use.
NGC Self Commitment Certificate
Please encourage students and inspire them to launch NGCs.
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